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Health & Wellbeing

Burnout Pre-Hab

Unlock stress management and prevent burnout with Dr. Ashley's evidence-based strategies and job-crafting insights for lasting wellbeing.

45 mins
45 mins
45 mins

Burnout has devastating effects on the mind and body of those that experience it, and prevention really is better than cure. This workshop will arm you with practical strategies to prevent burnout and manage your stress successfully.

Doing the occasional yoga class and a bit of mindfulness might help maintain your mental health, but it isn’t going to scratch the surface when it comes to managing your stress effectively and preventing burnout! In this workshop, Dr Ashley shares what really works with stress management, and what current research tells us makes a genuine difference in preventing burnout.

Participants will come away with:

  • An understanding of the 12 stages of burnout, what burnout is and what it isn’t, and why prevention is so much better than cure in burnout,
  • How to craft your job and develop it into one that can help prevent burnout
  • Evidence based stress management strategies that will work for both you and your teams
  • Access to stress monitoring tools to monitor your stress levels and identify when things are starting to becoming overwhelming and when you need to take action


Dr Claire Ashley is a stress and burnout expert and an NHS Clinical Entrepreneur, supporting individuals and businesses in our generation's biggest struggle, workplace burnout.

What customers say...

"I think this session with Claire has been life changing. Seriously. I think about her tips all the time."

£2,000 - £2,500
*Pricing is dependant upon format, duration and location.
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