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Celebrating Neurodiversity

Delve into Neurodiversity, understanding strengths, barriers, and fostering workplace inclusivity for diverse cognitive styles.

45 mins
45 mins
45 mins

This workshop explores Neurodiversity, and what it means to be Neurodiverse. We will talk about inclusive practice, and what can be done to enhance wellbeing and productivity in the workplace. Hidden disabilities can easily go unidentified and subsequently unsupported, so this workshop aims to raise awareness surrounding all types of Neurodiversities, commonly experienced barriers in the workplace, and what can be done to harness each individual's strengths and reduce their challenges.

You will gain:

  • Clarity of the Neurodiversity umbrella and what they mean (ie. Dyslexia, ADHD, Autism, etc.)
  • How these Neurodiversities show up in the workplace and the barriers experienced due to these diversities of thought
  • What Reasonable Adjustments can be made to remove barriers at work and how to better support people with specific needs
  • Top free and low-cost tools, Assistive Technology and management strategies to support Neurodiverse individuals


Nikita is an Inclusion Specialist, with an academic background. The main focus of her work is on Disability and Neurodiversity. Being born with a birth deformity and diagnosed Dyslexic and ADHD, Nikita weaves in her lived experience to provide context and proof of best inclusion practices.

What customers say...

"Provided an amazing session. It was informative and such a great way to learn about accessibility and inclusion in really practicle and real life ways"

£1,000 - £1,500
*Pricing is dependant upon format, duration and location.
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