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Professional Development

Developing Your Personal Brand And Nailing Your Effectiveness From Day 1

Learn confidence, clarity, and networking skills for impactful presentations, meetings, and personal branding.

45 mins
45 mins
45 mins

How we show up to work and present ourselves has a big impact on our confidence and how we are perceived within the business. But these are skills and tools we can all learn.

In this session with Kirsty Hulse, attendees will learn to:

  • Regulate nerves and pre performance jitters
  • How to communicate with clarity and presence
  • Skills for networking and developing your personal brand

Session outcomes:

  • Attendees will learn practical skills to come across as less nervous in presentations, meetings and conversations
  • Attendees will have clarity on their unique value within the business and be able to clearly demonstrate that
  • Attendees will feel confident meeting new people and networking with colleagues and clients across the business.

The session will be a mix of taught materials, exercises and group discussions


Kirsty Hulse is an expert in bringing human understanding into corporate environments and revolutionising company cultures. She is also the creator of Confidence Live.

What customers say...

"Kirsty's ability to combine a deep understanding of the science behind her craft with the art of delivering sessions in an engaging and inspiring way makes her without peer, in my experience"

£2,000 - £3,000
*Pricing is dependant upon format, duration and location.
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