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Health & Wellbeing

Employee Gambling Harm Awareness & Prevention

Raise employee awareness and prevention about the damaging impact gambling harm and addiction can have on the individual and the workplace.

45 mins
45 mins
45 mins

Gambling addiction and harm, what is it? Why do people gamble? Types of gambling including emerging trends in gambling addiction such as video game loot-boxes, cryptocurrencies and day trading. Impact of gambling harm and addiction on the individual and ‘affected others’. Signposting support services and practical advice for recovery. Workshop delivered through the lived experience of a gambler combined with the latest clinical research to deliver vital gambling harm awareness and prevention content.

Workshop Outline:

Following this session you will have:

  • Better understanding of gambling harms and addiction.
  • Knowledge of the different types of gambling and how the industry ‘hooks’ people.
  • How gambling impacts the individual, employees, ‘affected others’ and the workplace.
  • What you can do to signpost, support and steps to recovery.

Chris engages with key topics about gambling addiction and harm through the eyes of someone who has lived through addiction and come out the other end. He engages with personal stories of raw emotion whilst delivering thought provoking content utilising the latest data and research. 


Chris is committed to raising awareness about the damaging impact gambling can have on the individual and the workplace. Chris knows first-hand how both the psychological and financial impact of this addiction impacts mental health and therefore performance at work. Uniquely, he experienced how gambling and trading during working hours can impact attention, decision making and wellbeing.

What customers say...

"Thank you so very much Chris for bringing greater awareness to us all. I understood some elements but l have learnt so much from today's call. The climate we live in currently is making gambling far too easy." Learning & Development Team - Network Rail.

£1,750 - £2,000
*Pricing is dependant upon format, duration and location.
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