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Health & Wellbeing

Finding Clarity in the Blurred World

How to find balance from the social media paradox to save more time, feel happier, and improve overall wellbeing.

45 mins
45 mins
45 mins

Have you ever come off social media feeling worse than when you clicked on it? Have you ever become envious, comparing your life to someone else's? Have you ever seen time flash before your eyes because you have been caught up scrolling rather than doing the thing you were meant to be doing?

This 60-minute workshop aims to give people the chance to 

  • Bring awareness to their habits when using social media.
  • Understand how social media can be the cause as well as the coping mechanism when coping with stress, resulting in a self-perpetuating cycle. 
  • Create sustainable strategies to curb the overuse and promote healthy usage ( that go beyond just setting a timer). 

In this session, Lucy will use reflective practices that allow each person to think deeply about whether social media is working for them or whether they are working for it. The workshop covers insight and frameworks touching on self-worth, limiting belief systems and confidence.

At the end of the session, people will walk away with actionable steps to curb their social media use but also an increased awareness around steps they might need to take for more profound self-development.


Lucy, a mindset, performance, and self-development coach who emphasises holistic wellbeing by addressing social media usage's impact on fulfillment and authenticity. She advocates for confidence, clarity, and goal achievement.

What customers say...

"Lucy has been a pleasure to work with when organizing coaching and workshops for some of the key people in the Wiser team. We were seeking someone who fit in culturally and was relatable to the team at Wiser; Lucy fit the bill perfectly."

£900 - £1,400
*Pricing is dependant upon format, duration and location.
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