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Health & Wellbeing

How To Overcome Overwhelm & Increase Focus

Kirsty's workshop helps teams find focus in chaos, offering strategies to limit distractions and boost productivity.

45 mins
45 mins
45 mins

Following her own research, Kirsty has created this workshop to help us move away from being overwhelmed and reactive, to calm and proactive.

This session will give practical tips to help teams improve their focus in our busy, distracted worlds.

When we understand how and when we do our best work, we can reverse engineer better ways for us to maximise our output, whilst protecting our energy.


  • The conditions for focus
  • Limiting distractions
  • The HIME principle


Kirsty Hulse is an expert in bringing human understanding into corporate environments and revolutionising company cultures. She is also the creator of Confidence Live.

What customers say...

"Kirsty's ability to combine a deep understanding of the science behind her craft with the art of delivering sessions in an engaging and inspiring way makes her without peer, in my experience"

£2,000 - £3,000
*Pricing is dependant upon format, duration and location.
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