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Health & Wellbeing

Maximise your Productivity

Neuroscience-based workshop: boost productivity, manage tasks effectively, and foster discussions for workplace improvements.

45 mins
45 mins
45 mins

Sometimes being more productive isn't about simply doing more. It's often about being smarter with your time.

Delivered by Dr Claire Ashley, an expert in neuroscience, who has a deep understanding of how the brain works and functions, this session empowers employees with the knowledge and skills to be able to bring about changes in their productivity themselves, in the context of being supported by their employer

Attendees will come away with:

  • An understanding of what productivity is and the barriers that might prevent us from reaching our highest levels of productivity.
  • Discussion about the Stress Performance curve.
  • A productivity toolkit to include strategies such as the task prioritisation matrix, time blocking, goal setting, delegation
  • Knowledge about how to structure your day so that the most important tasks get your full focus and attention  
  • Strategies for managing multiple tasks in the busy lead up to deadlines
  • An idea about how to have a discussion with your employer about changes that might need to happen to allow you to be productive.


Dr Claire Ashley is a stress and burnout expert and an NHS Clinical Entrepreneur, supporting individuals and businesses in our generation's biggest struggle, workplace burnout.

What customers say...

"I think this session with Claire was so useful. I've learnt so much in such a short period of time and think the tips will help create more balance in my life!”

£2,000 - £2,500
*Pricing is dependant upon format, duration and location.
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