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Health & Wellbeing

Modern Masculinity in the Workplace

This workshop redefines masculinity, breaking stereotypes, promoting support, and highlighting emotional labor's significance in team dynamics.

45 mins
45 mins
45 mins

In this transformative workshop, within a safe and supportive environment, you will be encouraged to challenge your ideas about masculinity and be introduced to the more expansive and accepting concept of modern, healthy masculinity.

Workshop Outcomes:

  • Understanding the straightjacket of Man box culture and how to break free of it
  • Embracing Healthy Masculinity: A Path to Greater Joy and Success
  • How we can support each other in breaking free of gender roles
  • What is Emotional Labor and why is it the glue that makes teams thrive


David Chambers worked with the likes of BBC, ITV, Tesco and Capital One before switching from big tech to Men’s coaching, specialising in the areas of connection and masculinity.

He empowers senior executives, leaders and creatives to embody healthy, positive masculinity and create deeply purposeful lives.

And has worked with a range of organisations, from Secondary Schools to London Restaurant Chains to Men’s Groups, delivering workshops and talks about masculinity and mental health.

What customers say...

"David was wonderful! He really made the room feel comfortable and accepted everyone's feelings and opinions about such a sensitive topic as masculinity. He was genuine and kind. He also opened up by sharing some of his own personal stories. His ability to be vulnerable with the group showed great courage and leadership."

£1,200 - £1,700
*Pricing is dependant upon format, duration and location.
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