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Professional Development

What You Believe Is What You Achieve

This workshop focuses on understanding the importance of belief in improving confidence and achieving goals.

45 mins
45 mins
45 mins

"Believe you can, and you're halfway there." - Theodore Roosevelt.

Many workplaces focus on the ‘do’ and the ‘what’ when it comes to the development and performance of people in the business. Many managers are stretched thin when it comes to developing their team, not having the time or ability to really understand why someone is not fulfilling their full potential. This workshop aims to give people at all levels the awareness and understanding of how belief can cause self-sabotage, imposter syndrome and procrastination by looking at the subconscious programming of beliefs. 

This 60 /90-minute workshop covers 

  • What are beliefs, and how are they formed (conscious Vs subconscious programming) 
  • What happens when we have limiting beliefs
  • Why we need to understand our beliefs to make change
  • How can we reframe our beliefs to fulfill our goals and potential. 

By the end of this each person will have followed the strategies through thinking and writing about their own examples then creating a strategy of how they can begin to use a more empowering belief to help them move toward a goal or overcome a challenge. 


Lucy, a mindset, performance, and self-development coach who emphasises holistic wellbeing by addressing social media usage's impact on fulfillment and authenticity. She advocates for confidence, clarity, and goal achievement.

What customers say...

"Lucy...ran workshops for different groups around various mindset and well-being topics. She delivered the content with great energy and was able to create relationships with people in the room to ensure everyone was engaged. We maintain a good relationship with Lucy and will continue to partner with her moving forward."

£900 - £1,400
*Pricing is dependant upon format, duration and location.
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