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Professional Development

From Page to Stage: Sharing Your Personal Story to a Live Audience

Sharing our true, personal narratives with others is an effective way to invite people to walk in our shoes.

45 mins
45 mins
45 mins

Whether it is for a TED-X style event, work presentation, or even a social occasion, get some storytelling tips on how to do this with impact from an expert.

Workshop Outline:

In this 60-minute workshop, Lalith will cover:

  • Why sharing our personal narratives are important
  • The ingredients for a good story
  • Content (characters, plot, emotions)
  • Delivery (pace, tone, movement)


Former NHS consultant pediatrician Dr Lalith Wijedoru loves personal stories. Both children and us big kids use stories to make sense of the world. He is an award-winning storytelling coach and facilitator, passionate about amplifying our hidden stories to connect with ourselves and our wider communities.

What customers say...

“For someone with a chaotic mind bursting with ideas, this session was tailored, safe, supportive, and enlightening. Ultimately, it gave me much needed focus to craft and share a story.”

“Lalith is a nugget of pure gold. By the end of the session, I had not only been inspired but truly guided to a very compelling storyline that I was destined to share.”

“I already had a general idea of what I wanted to talk about, but this session truly brought those ideas to life by really speaking directly to my raw and suppressed emotions and channeling them into my story.”

“At first, I was nervous and felt I did not know where I was going. By the end of the workshop, the brilliance of it and how necessary it was for me to share my story was undeniable and crystal clear.”

£1,500 - £2,000
*Pricing is dependant upon format, duration and location.
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