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Writing For Acceptance

Join a session led by Hannah Jayne Smith to explore writing, mindfulness, and self-acceptance for the LGBTQ+ community.

45 mins
45 mins
45 mins

Often those in the LGTQIA+ community can struggle with acceptance or identity and this can lead to feelings of feeling lost or not quite knowing who you are.

In this special session with mental health expert and writer Hannah Jayne Smith, we'll explore:

  • The benefits of writing for our wellbeing
  • A guided writing and mindfulness experience designed to help you all get some of our difficult thoughts out of our head and onto paper
  • A special 'acceptance and identity' themed session for those who may be struggling or want to define who they are

This session is hugely practical and will benefit your staff in a personal manner, creating a calming and reflective space.


Hannah-Jayne Smith is a mental health consultant and advocate with three decades of lived experience within the system. She has worked all over the UK delivering courses to private and charity sectors, NHS, Prisons, Schools and more.

What customers say...

"I genuinely haven't felt a mental peace like that in a really long time. A genuine pleasure to create with you"

£1,000 - £1,500
*Pricing is dependant upon format, duration and location.
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